Water Soluble Cutting Oil

Procut - 2000

» Multi metal water soluble cutting oil.
» Provides excellent cooling, Low foaming and anti rust properties.
» Long lasting emulsion.
» Can be use in hard water (upto 400ppm).
» Maximize tool life.
» Better finishing.
» Good Anti-Bacterial Properties.
» Give no bad smelling.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Procut Premium

» High performance multi metal water soluble cutting oil.
» Gives no harmful effect to humans and environment.
» It has comparatively high flash point and fire point.
» Has better stability, cooling, low foaming, long lasting and anti rust properties.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Procut-888 - Semi Synthetic

» Micro-emulsion water soluble cutting oil.
» Provides superior surface quality.
» Includes anti-corrosion & anti bacterial agents.
» Can be apply in machining of Ferrous alloy, Cast iron ,Mild Steel, Aluminium alloy, Stainless Steel, Nickel, Chromium alloy ,Brass, Copper etc.
» High Performance.
» Long lasting emulsion.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Procut-Syn 60 - Fully Synthetic

» It is fully synthetic water soluble cutting oil.
» Suitable for both ferrous and non ferrous metals.
» It can easily apply in mechanical operation like Cutting, Grinding, Milling, Drilling.
» For difficult operations and materials this type of oil gives good result.
» Helps to extend tool life.
» Includes anti bacterial & anti corrosive additives.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Neat Cutting Oil / Straight Cutting Oil

Neat Pro 40

» It's a high quality cutting oil for ferrous metals.
» Applicable in various mechanical operations like cutting, grinding, drilling, milling, threading, etc.
» Has excellent properties like corrosion inhibition, good surface finish, anti bacterial, better tool life, great cooling ability.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Neat Pro 50

» It's a heavy duty cutting oil for non-ferrous metals.
» Applicable in various mechanical operations like cutting, grinding, drilling, milling, threading, etc.
» Has excellent properties like corrosion inhibition, good surface finish, anti bacterial, better tool life, great cooling ability.
» Best suitable for non ferrous metals like copper, brass, aluminum, etc.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Hydraulic Oil

Hydrocor 32 / 46 / 68

26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs
» They are superior quality hydraulic oil with a basic fundamental to work as a medium for transferring power in hydraulic system.
» It is applicable in both internal and external hydraulic systems depending upon their grades and VI (Viscosity index).
» Useful in wide range of application like hydraulic press, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic gears, construction equipments, mining equipments, etc.
» Also recommended in systems made up of gears and bearing where high load pressure properties are required.
» It has excellent properties like anti corrosion, anti wear, better thermal stability, anti oxidation, high load bearing properties, etc.
» Available in both water white and yellow type.
» HYDROCOR AW series provides comparatively extra anti wear protection.
» HYDROCOR HLVP series has higher viscosity index. Hence better applicable in extreme cold or hot temperature conditions.
» HYDROCOR HLP series is best applicable in general industrial hydraulic operations.

Rust Preventive Oil

Precor 175 DW - Oil Base / Solvent Base

» It is barium free dewatering, non staining type rust preventive oil.
» Contains superior protective ingredients.
» Applicable for almost all kinds of ferrous metals, it can be use by diluting it with other solvents or directly applying to the metal surface.
» Has slightly thicker film for longer protection.
» Removes water from components that have been machined using soluble cutting fluids, or have been washed or pickled.
» Has great anti oxidation properties.
» Can be use as inter process protection or before final packaging.
» Works in both indoor and outdoor.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Precor 125 DW - Water Base

» PRECOR-125 is a specially formulated high quality rust preventive oil.
» Which is use by mixing it with water.
» It is easy to use and provides cost cutting without compromising results.
» Gives outstanding performance in salt spray and humidity.
» The resulting protective film is oily with excellent edge protection.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

General Purpose Machine Oil


Available Grades
30, 40, 50, 68, 90, 100 to 460.
» They are multi purpose lubricating oil.
» Has excellent properties like anti corrosion, anti wear, thermal stability, good oil film strength, operates in wide temperature range, etc.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Drawing Compound


» DC-350 is a heavy duty multi metal water soluble drawing paste with features like excellent lubrication, reduces friction, Maximize tool life.
» Has cooling ability which reduces temperature produce due to friction, Low foam formation, anti rust, anti bacterial, economical, provide shine, etc.
» Used as an lubricating/slipping agent for drawing processes.
» Which ensure no breaking/cracking of wires, tubes & rods.
20 KG, 60 KG, 200 KG

Other Lubricants

Other Type of Lubricants
» Gear Oil
» Grease
» Quenching Oil
» Slideway Oil
» Thermic Oil
» Compressor Oil
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Oil Remover / Degreaser

Clean C4

» An environmental safe multi metal industrial liquid cleaner which is use to remove grease, oil & dirt deposits from metal surface.
» Provides shine.
» Does not harms metal.
5 Ltrs, 20 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs

Clean C7

» It is a higher performance heavy duty industrial liquid cleaner which is use to remove grease, oils & dirt deposits from metal surface.
» Provide them with shiny surface.
» Best suitable for Brass, Copper & Stainless Steel.
26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs

Metal Shiner


» SHINECOR-12 is an industrial grade environmental safe liquid chemical.
» Which is use to remove blackness, dullness and redness from metals.
» And provides them with attractive shiny surface.
» It also cleans dirt deposits from surfaces. Best suitable for metals made up of brass, copper & stainless steel.
5 Ltrs, 26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs

Metal Passivator


» It is a water soluble liquid chemical, mainly used at last after cleaning and shining of metals.
» PASSICOR-20 makes thin protective layer around metal surface.
» Which enhances corrosion resistance, removes surface contamination, provides anti oxidation, makes metal less affect by surrounding environment.
» Gives long lasting shine, improves metal durability.
» It does not harms metals and is easy to use.
» Best applicable for Brass & Copper.
5 Ltrs, 26 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs